言語: 日本語
所在地: undefined
- 何も見つかりません
承認: デバイスのテーマを使う
受信者 stldude : Many guys will never say….that with their cocks they sometimes like to play…..I feel no such shame…..MistressWriggler I want to thank you for this erotic pose….as I think it shows…your inner sexiness…..In my fantasy I hope you seen my “orgasmic happiness “….as I played my “masturbation game “…..
I am a horny old guy …..and like many others who looked at your provocative pic……I started stroking my hard dick…..I imagine that what they 1st did see….was each pretty titty…..whereas I 👀 looked into your eye….since I could only see one….and I knew you were having some sexy fun…..with this particular pose….Up my shaft my hand rose…..as I imagined a great “Fanta-see”…..involving you and me…. You had the ability….to look 👀 through my phone….and watch me “stroking my bone-r”…..This naughty thought filled my mind…..and now I do find….my cock ready to explode….soon to shoot out my creamy cum load….but I can’t give you a “cum pearl necklace”… or spurt cum all over your face……