Video Transcription
My name is Lana and I'm a cockaholic. Yes, that's right. I'm a cockaholic.
And, you know, it's really affecting my life. You know, deep inside me, you know, like, I have goals and I have aim high, aim highs, I can't even say it in life.
But every time I just think about cocks, like, big cocks, and I remember when I was in high school, you know, we had a spelling contest and I wanted to be in it.
I wanted to be one of the people to win. And it was horrible 'cause they wanted me to spell B, I can't even spell B, B-E-E, it was fucking easy, I can't 'cause I was thinking about cock, C-O-C-K.
Did I spell it right? I guess so. Anyway, my teacher asked me to draw something. I was drawing cock. Big one. Really big one.