Wtf ...すごい
234,895 98%
Dude man getting milked
I love when his legs start shaking and the moans start....fucking hot. I know a few married guys I would love to hook them up to this for a good deep milking. My farmer man Greg would go first.
Chuckpa76 2年前
That second receiver looks fun squeezing like that. How much pressure do they squeeze with anyhow? I would love one of those or a cow milker massaging my udder and just have to sit or lay there all day taking it no matter what. My udder is 6 x 5.25. I wonder what size receiver would be used on it. Just milk me every day like this Sirs! I forgot one detail, no safe word and I must show up for milking unless I become ill which would have to be discussed before an absence is excused if it ever is. I am not sure how much I would cum but I know I don't make too much of a mess.
Faggotbottom69 7ヶ月前
When I was closeted military I would have died and gone to heaven to have this done to me